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FullBuff Hosting
FAQ and necessary information for acquiring servers from FullBuff Hosting.
Infrastructure/Programming related infoFullBuff GitHub
General info about FullBuff and our services.
TF2 Competitive Server
Information related to TF2 Competitive Servers. now we are offering automated setup of RGL config servers, and NA 4v4 Passtime servers.These server will be essentially the same, except for the map pool that gets downloaded u...
Sourcemod Docs | Sourcemod API Ref. Pretty good video series on sourcepawn SourcePawn IDE
Server General Info
API Info
Info about various API's from our own to other organizations.
Server Setup
Passtime Servers
Information relating to the use, configuration, and maintenance of Passtime servers on FullBuff Hosting.
TF2 Related Sourcemod Content
Server Plugins
Plugins that may need extra configuration will have their relevant info posted here.
Server Management
Custom server management features and how to use them.
Troubleshooting Servers
Public API
FullBuff API/Dataset
Configurable Options
All text fields that are required during setup of a new server can be filled with temporary information if you want to configure them later. The region and config will always be required, as the are the most important variables in the server setup process.
During the install process, your server will pull the latest update for TF2. This normally takes 10-15 minutes for a brand new server. During peak traffic the download time can be much longer. Also during off hours (late at night into the next morning), I hav...
Further Configuration
To easily customize other common attributes of your server, such as setting the default map, default config, Logs/Demos API keys, etc., navigate to the "Startup" section of the server management panel. When you make any changes to these values, they app...
RGLQoL sv_pure cvar
Due to requirements set by RGL for official matches, the RGLQoL plugin will automatically force a map change if "sv_pure" is set to '0'. Certain configs, such as the "pt_pug" config used in Passtime, will change the "sv_pure" setting to 0 so that certain cl...
Server Info and FAQ
Base Specs CPU: 1 coreRAM: 2048MB + 500 SWAPStorage: 30-100GB (under review)Backups Allowed: 1 It is being planned to allow for users to upgrade their servers to allow for more memory or storage in the future. General Info All servers currently run on ...
Troubleshooting Updater
RGL Updater If you are troubleshooting a plugin not updating on a TF2 server running RGL's updater plugin, we have found that changing the map and then exec'ing one of the RGL configs will trigger the updater to actually pull the latest version of plugin...
Server Moderation
Entering the command "status" will display useful information about the server, including the IP, and more importantly, a list of players. This list will display each player's userid, which with the command "rcon kickid x" can be used to kick specific players...
RCON Tutorial
Connecting to your server rcon_address <server address>; rcon_password "RCONPASSWORDHERE" Executing commands To execute commands on your server through rcon, it is the same process as if you were typing them into the server console directly, except you m...
Maintenance Periods
Maintenance periods for all FullBuff servers (FullBuff or FullBuff Hosting) are currently set to this time frame in your local timezone: 0500-0700 aka 5:00am - 7:00am Each of our servers is configured for the timezone it resides in.During this time frame s...
Map Downloader
All FullBuff servers come with the MapDownloader plugin, found here: plugin allows for users to change the map to anything, even if the file is not on the server, as long as the map is present on the fastdl server.Ad...
Steam Error 5005
If you receive errors like these when your server starts: [SteamNetworkingSockets] Cert request for invalid failed with reason code 5005. Failed to connect to Steam You have likely not set your Steam Game Server Login Token. These errors are normal, and ...
Dolt Server Documentation
Dolt Database Server Setup Guide This document outlines the complete process for setting up a Dolt database server that automatically synchronizes with DoltHub and provides MySQL-compatible access for applications like NocoDB. System Overview Database Pla...
FullBuff currently uses Dolthub to store its datasets for easy collaboration and api access. Find our databases here: is a quick intro to using Dolthub for your projects:
v2 API
It seems ETF2L's v2 api docs dont actually exist, and they want you to just use the v1 docs for the most part. No idea what they are doing over there, we will probably add our own abstraction on top of theirs if we run into issues with itv2: https://api-v2.etf...
Current major leagues in each global region. North America: RGLEurope: ETF2LAsia: AsiaFortressOCE: OzFortress