Server Moderation
Entering the command "status" will display useful information about the server, including the IP, and more importantly, a list of players.
This list will display each player's userid, which with the command "rcon kickid x" can be used to kick specific players, ie. "rcon kickid 2" would kick sourceTV it was a player.
To ban a player, simply use the command "rcon banid 0 x kick" with the same userid. To ip kick/ban players, simply replace id with ip and write the players ip in the command ie. "rcon kickip".
It is important to note that bans are written on temporary storage, with the command writeid and writeip you can add bans to the permanent ban config files (banned_ip.cfg, banned_user.cfg). writeid and writeip are exec'd in server.cfg but not any of the RGL configs. Remember to enter those commands or simply execute server.cfg after banning players.
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