TF2 Competitive Server
Information related to TF2 Competitive Servers.
Right now we are offering automated setup of RGL config servers, and NA 4v4 Passtime servers.
These server will be essentially the same, except for the map pool that gets downloaded upon setup, and some extra configs for the Passtime servers.
Server Info and FAQ
Base Specs CPU: 1 coreRAM: 2048MB + 500 SWAPStorage: 30-100GB (under review)Backups Allowed: 1 ...
Server Setup
Configurable Options
All text fields that are required during setup of a new server can be filled with temporary inf...
During the install process, your server will pull the latest update for TF2. This normally takes ...
Further Configuration
To easily customize other common attributes of your server, such as setting the default map, de...
Server Moderation
Entering the command "status" will display useful information about the server, including the IP,...
Server Management
Custom server management features and how to use them.
Server Plugins
Plugins that may need extra configuration will have their relevant info posted here.
Passtime Servers
Information relating to the use, configuration, and maintenance of Passtime servers on FullBuff H...