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Steam Error 5005
If you receive errors like these when your server starts: [SteamNetworkingSockets] Cert reques...
FullBuff currently uses Dolthub to store its datasets for easy collaboration and api access. Find...
Current major leagues in each global region. North America: RGLEurope: ETF2LAsia: AsiaFortres...
v2 API
It seems ETF2L's v2 api docs dont actually exist, and they want you to just use the v1 docs for t...
Dolt Server Documentation
Dolt Database Server Setup Guide This document outlines the complete process for setting up a Do...
Map Downloader
All FullBuff servers come with the MapDownloader plugin, found here:
Server Info and FAQ
Base Specs CPU: 1 coreRAM: 2048MB + 500 SWAPStorage: 30-100GB (under review)Backups Allowed: 1 ...
Maintenance Periods
Maintenance periods for all FullBuff servers (FullBuff or FullBuff Hosting) are currently set to ...
RCON Tutorial
Connecting to your server rcon_address <server address>; rcon_password "RCONPASSWORDHERE" Ex...
Configurable Options
All text fields that are required during setup of a new server can be filled with temporary inf...
Server Moderation
Entering the command "status" will display useful information about the server, including the IP,...
Further Configuration
To easily customize other common attributes of your server, such as setting the default map, de...
Troubleshooting Updater
RGL Updater If you are troubleshooting a plugin not updating on a TF2 server running RGL's ...
During the install process, your server will pull the latest update for TF2. This normally takes ...
RGLQoL sv_pure cvar
Due to requirements set by RGL for official matches, the RGLQoL plugin will automatically force...